About Us
Hockey Manitoba has delegated the governing of minor hockey activities within the Parkland region to PARKLAND MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION. All teams, players and coaches in the PARKLAND region who are registered with Hockey Manitoba are subject to the constitution, by-laws, policy and procedures of PMHA.
The objectives of PMHA are:
i) To administer, regulate and govern the development of a positive and competitive minor hockey development program within the PMHA region while in accordance with our own Constitution, By-Laws, Policies and Procedures and the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of Hockey Manitoba and Hockey Canada.
ii) to support coaches, officials, and volunteers by providing ongoing access to information and available resources.
iii) To put the healthy personal development of each player at the forefront.
The officers of PMHA are:
The President shall act as the representative for PMHA on Hockey Manitoba’s Minor Council and shall speak and vote on behalf of Parkland at all meetings.
The Director of Development shall act as the representative for PMHA on Hockey Manitoba’s Development Council and shall speak and vote on behalf of PMHA at all meetings. S/He shall be responsible for the education, development and promotion of hockey in the region including all regional player development programs and overseeing all regional training of all players, coaches and parents. S/he shall also be responsible for scheduling all Hockey Manitoba clinics within the region.
The Director of Female Programs shall act as the representative for PMHA on Hockey Manitoba’s Female Council and shall speak and vote on behalf of PMHA at all meetings. S/He shall be responsible for the training, development and promotion of female hockey in the Region.
The Secretary shall record proceedings of all meetings of PMHA and keep such minutes on record for the organization.
The Treasurer shall receive all monies and make all payments as required. S/he shall keep proper records of all financial transactions.
The Referee-In-Chief shall act as the representative for PMHA on Hockey Manitoba’s Official Development Committee and shall speak and vote on behalf of PMHA at all meetings. S/He shall be responsible for the training, education and development of officials in the region. S/He shall deal with all matters relating to officials, including the implementation of regular evaluations of all officials and scheduling of certification clinics in accordance with Hockey Manitoba.